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Sundays at FCC


What does it mean to be a church where it's ok to not be ok?

Look, we understand that life is messy, that life is hard, that life is difficult.  We simply want to be a church that helps people through it all. We have no desire to be a church that is holier than thou, a church that guilts you into things, or a church that makes you wear your Sunday best.


What if there is a church where you can be you and where you can discover what it means to have a relationship with Jesus? What about a church where no perfect people are allowed and broken people are actually wanted?  What if there was a church that deeply loves our community and wants to help Holyoke in any way it can? A church that loves God, loves people, and serves deeply? A church where you can grow at your own pace as we become passionate followers of Jesus? A church that's fun, relevant, and really makes a difference in your life? 

Welcome to First Christian.  Welcome to a church that has designed our gatherings to be a safe place allowing people to explore faith, teaching people the truth they need to know, and challenging them to apply that truth to their lives.


Our praise team will hit the stage first thing leading us in worship through familiar songs  and introducing us to newer songs of praise.  We'll celebrate the Lord's Supper.  Then, you’ll hear a message that is straight from the Bible and applies directly to your life.  It's important to be clear about this:  we are very straight forward in our teaching.  This doesn't mean that we're judgmental or that we are without grace and love; it simply means that we're honest with life.  That honesty means that no topic is off limits.  During this time, we do offer a very safe and exciting Kid's Ministry (Nursery through 5th Grade).  We keep our teens in the service as messages are written with them in mind as well.


Most importantly, our gatherings are all about Jesus.  Whether through worship, weekly communion, giving, or the message, we want to make Him famous and know Him better.  

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